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At Bedford Free School we aim to equip pupils with the knowledge of mathematics that they will find useful for solving problems and exploring the world around them. We do this via a focus on the basics, ensuring pupils master the necessary procedural knowledge to build ever more complex layers of mathematics on top.

Key Stage 3

In KS3 our main focus of mathematics teaching is to ensure that pupils extend their understanding of integers, number systems and place value and connect these to fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. We start to consider the context of increasingly complex properties of numbers and arithmetic and we induct them into the language of algebra as a means for solving varied multi-dimensional problems.

To do this we sequence our topics carefully to ensure that no child is left behind but those that can be are stretched and challenged.

Key Stage 4

Having gained fluency from practice in KS3, mathematical reasoning is developed in Key Stage 4. Pupils gain the ability and the confidence to make logical assumptions, follow a line of enquiry, make conjectures about relationships, develop arguments, justify arguments or prove conjectures. At this phase your child is being readied for further studies and use of mathematics as it applies to science, technology, the humanities and the satisfaction of holding that knowledge for conversational transmission.

Key Stage 4 is a two-year pathway followed in either the foundation or the higher tier in the Edexcel GCSE examination.

Some students are invited to attend supplementary lessons throughout year 10 and 11 and be entered for Level 2 Further Mathematics as an additional GCSE.

Advice for parents

We engage your child in cross-curricular activities including STEM projects and external activities such as UKMT challenge to enhance their understanding of mathematics and ensure wider participation in the quest for knowledge.

We will provide your child with login details to Sparx Maths to access their homework and have access to resources to support their learning.

In addition, the following websites are invaluable in to your child. We encourage you to support your child to use them for independent studies:

Celebration of success

BFS Maths is much improved recently. Our year-on-year pass rates show that we achieve significantly above average progress compared to nationally, and some of the best results locally. In 2022, 83% of our Year 11 pupils achieved a 4+ grade. We strive to keep pushing as we want to be the best in the country!

At individual level many of our pupils excelled as grade 9 pupils and many more have carried on studies in colleges in courses where mathematics plays a crucial role.

Department contact

Mrs Bates, Head of Maths