
Raising the Participation Age

All young people are required to continue in education or training until their 18th birthday. This does not have to mean staying in school, students can choose to study or train in any of the following ways:

  • Stay on full-time in a school, college or with a training provider (many young people also do a part time job alongside this). 
  • Work or volunteer full-time, together with part-time education or training. 
  • Take up an apprenticeship or traineeship. 

The Careerometer Widget below, provides key information and comparable data on various occupations to support the process of identifying potential careers. 

Careers Lead – Mr Cox  – Assistant Principal 

Telephone Mr Cox: 01234 332299 


Careers, employability and enterprise are discussed with every pupil at Bedford Free School, to ensure that individuals are able to select the most appropriate path. Our programme is mapped out to be age appropriate with every key stage preparing students to make decisions about their future. For example, option choice subjects prior to Key Stage 4 and then introducing post 16 courses throughout year 11. 

We are always aspirational for our students to aim high, so that they have the potential to go attend a university should they wish. 
“Independent careers guidance must be provided in schools in England to all year 8 — 13 pupils (12 — 18 year olds). 

  • It must be provided in an impartial manner — no bias or favouritism towards a particular education or work option 
  • It should explore the range of education or training options — including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways 
  • Advice should promote the students’ best interests” (UCAS 2017) 

Resources available to students at Bedford Free School are:

  • Visits to national and local events such as: Big Bang Fair; MK Apprenticeship Show: Northampton Skills Show 
  • Workplace & University visits 
  • Assemblies led by local employers, former students and career experts 
  • Alumni visits 
  • Career insight talks 
  • Employer visits to lessons 
  • Support with employability skills 
  • Mock interviews 
  • Regular live local apprenticeship opportunities 
  • Impartial information on Post 14 and 16 course choices 
  • Work experience in year 10 

A breakdown of opportunities per year group can be found here: Bedford Free School Careers Entitlement. Our provider access policy can also be found here: 2023 BFS Provider Access Policy.

Our careers programme is monitored regularly through the use of the Compass careers benchmarks tool. This tool enables us to identify gaps in provision and ensure that we quickly rectify any issues so that we can be confident about the programme that we offer our pupils.

More information on the Gatsby benchmarks can be found here

How the school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils: 

In the first instance we measure and assess the career programme against the Gatsby Career Benchmarks.  In addition, the impact of the programme is assessed at various points in the year through both pupil and parent voice, feedback taken from events, a report written by our careers advisor and post-16 destination information. 

If you have any feedback for the Careers, Employability and Enterprise area of the site, please email