Attendance Hub


We believe that achieving good attendance is a significant lever in securing the very best outcomes for our pupils, and is therefore worth the investment of resources. Our vision is that our school culture will result in our pupils wanting to attend school, and that we will work together with pupils and families to pre-empt and remove any barriers that could lead to poor school attendance.

Our approach to achieving good attendance involves:

  • Pro-actively promoting a school culture whereby pupils and families value education and the school experience, feel a sense of belonging to their school community, and know that their place within that community is valued.
  • Promoting the short and long-term benefits of good attendance.
  • Managing and improving attendance through clear and effective systems and procedures.
  • Ensuring successful early intervention whenever necessary.
  • Working effectively with local partners.

Achieving great attendance cannot solely be the preserve of a single member of staff or team, but results from a concerted effort across all teaching and non-teaching staff in the school. All colleagues must, therefore, recognise and play their role in achieving high standards of attendance and punctuality from all pupils and parents.



We are delighted to have the opportunity to support other schools through the leadership of our attendance hub.  In addition to the training and support we provide, members of the hub can access useful resources such as guidance, exemplar letters and templates via this page.

Through the hub, alongside practical tips and resource sharing, we will share our approach to attendance management and support, which is underpinned by the four pillars illustrated in the graphic below. Training will focus on implementation and collaborative problem solving that considers the contextual challenges faced by different schools.

Strategic approach to achieve excellent attendance in schools 2